Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As I left Jazzercise yesterday morning, I noticed a new store located in the old Kroger/Steinmart shopping center on Sandy Plains and 92. I was dripping wet, and my hair was matted to my head, but I felt I needed to be rewarded from that strenuous hour of dancing in the 105 degree  heat index.

The manager explained to me that he and his wife attended clothing shows all over the U.S. and that he sold new and donated merchandise. Sales from the donated merchandise are donated to the non-profit FULFILLING DREAMS, INC located in Marietta.

Of course I was in my ME [mois] mode, so I rifled through the neatly organized racks of women's clothing in this small, simple boutique. Many of the items looked like they would fit Mary Kay Olsen, that anorexic, sunken-eyed Hollywood actress. I needed something that would fit a voluptuous woman. Uh huh.

BINGO! I ripped, from the rack, a Michael Kors black cotton sleeveless top decorated with real leather belt buckles on the shoulders. Retail $98, store price $18. Excited beyond words, I moved on to another rack where I found a cute yellow INC tank top bedazzled on the front. Retail: $105, price $20. My total purchases $38. I know my designer brands, and those two purchases were pheeeenominal! Is this place retail heaven or what?

Why am I going against my best shopping instincts to publicize my new-found outlet store? Because the store is named TRINITY, an allusion to the Blessed Trinity, and I am Catholic. And God and the most holy Saints in Heaven want me and all my friends to shop there.

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