Friday, July 15, 2011


BAD TEACHER Elizabeth, [Cameron Diaz] is a hoot. Trash talking, potsmoking, inappropriate, and sexed up Elizabeth with a rockin hot body [her words] becomes a teacher when her wealthy boyfriend dumps her. Every sound, cookie-cutter educational practice is satirized when she shows movies every day [egads!], keeps pot hidden in a drawer with a secret bottom in her desk, and sneaks sips from a flask as her students watch movies about great teachers [Stand and Deliver, Lean on Me]. Plenty of irony in that.

She sees Justin Timberlake, a rich colleague, as her ticket out. A woman without a conscience, she breaks every rule imaginable. She hosts a school car wash to acquire cash to pay for a ta-ta enhancement. The car wash generates $7,000, mainly because she wears Daisy Dukes and a skin tight top and uses some pretty provocative car washing techniques to lure customers. Mostly men show up, and a police officer crashes his vehicle into a parked car when he spots her.

This movie will not stimulate your intellect, but you will laugh so hard you'll have side stitches. If you are an educator, you'll love it because we all have known teachers like her, and she will enhance your view of yourself as a good teacher.

The rest of you who have no idea how the teaching profession is populated by teachers like her will be entertained by this low comedy.

Remember you out there who denigrate this movie, taste and humor are subjective.

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