Monday, August 22, 2011


My Catholic upbringing stressed the importance of angels. Michael "the great prince," Gabriel, who told the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah, and our guardian angels, heavenly spirits assigned by God to watch over us during our lives were all representatives of the spiritual beings that guided and protected us from evil.

When my Dad died, I was inconsolable. After the funeral, I came back to Atlanta and could not shake the grief from my life. I visited a therapist who let me discuss my feelings.

A good friend of mine is a Reiki Master. She told me she could help me meditate. She conducted a two hour Reiki session on me. During the session she summoned Jesus and the angels to comfort me. When I awakened, she told me that nine angels surrounded me. With no knowledge of my extended family, she described deceased relatives who were in the room. I always believed in the power of angels, and I summoned them every time I thought the Devil was chasing me.

I saw this book in a bookstore and was curious about the content of it.

WE CAME AS ANGELS by Kenneth W. Brown discusses the human journey from celestial beings to human beings, and back again. Brown explores the belief about angels as part of many world religions.

One particularly moving episode he recounts is his trip to the pyramids and his precipitous climb, with the help of a guide, on the Cheops pyramid. As the guide instructs him to jump to reach the peak, he plummets into total blackness.

As Brown tries to make sense of the abyss, a bolt of light awakens him. He hears sounds and and sees orbs of light stream by. Millions of years pass like minutes. Different soul orbs introduce themselves. Yawri, a soul light, warns him that physical reality is a different kind of energy. Muran, another soul orb, instructs Yawri to increase his soul light so he can communicate with a simple life form, trees.

Muran mentions that the Creator gave them free will. He says their purpose is to aid life forms are connected to the Creator through an earthly soul and an ethereal soul. They approach crystals that emanate life sounds which the orbs say hold the key to the planet. They say that the vibratory/noisy sound of the planet Earth has become so dense that no one can communicate with earth anymore.

They communicate with trees, crystals, caves, and devas [earth spirits]. They say that the soul does not enter the human baby body until seven years old, a belief the Catholic Church espoused for years. They comment on the poison that mankind is contributing to damage the earth. They say that recent generations that have lost the ability to communicate with life forms such as animals and plants.

They travel to Shamitan’s island island to find four crystal skystones that have documented earth since the beginning of time. Generations ago, they believe, these skystones represented healing centers on earth and sent energy to others.

Tisboro, another spirit, explains the difference between humans [human spirits] and human beings. Eventually all humans will be human beings. Humans are arrogant and hoard. They believe the Creator is outside of themselves.

They travel to the great pyramids, imitations of mountains. They see a new phenomenon: kings and queens. They note that philosophers generate powerful, positive ideas. They recognize that earth has a soul of its own, called Gaea. They witness wars and destruction.

Brown awakens on the pyramid. He noticed tones emanating from the pyramid. His guide tells him that he was asleep for ten minutes. The visions were real.  Brown’s spiritual journey explores “the struggle between bodies and souls, good and evil, spirit and the material world” [Maley] in a narrative that deepens our connection to the earth and to our souls.

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