--fat in your belly is linked with greater health risk than fat in other part of your body?
--a waist size of greater than 35 inches for women is considered high risk?
In my quest to stay healthy, I have tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Weight Watchers five times, Dr. Perricone, South Beach, Grapefruit, Suzanne Sommers, a nutritionist, Acai [pronounced ah-sah-ee].I learned what to eat to stay healthy.
The problem is in the implementation and staying with it. All healthy diets profess similar solutions: whole wheat products, fruit, grains, low fat, lots of water, exercise.
I don't get drawn in to photo-shopped skinny girls on magazine covers or in advertising, and I understand marketing techniques and subliminal messages. Recently, on the Today Show, a style expert showcased a fall trend: leggings. First words out of her mouth:
"Leggings look good even on overweight women." Then the models, all hijacked from the ladies' room throwing up their lunches, modeled different styles of leggings. Tall, skinny, beautiful young girls modeling leggings. Where were the overweight/plus size models?
Exercise and more exercise. A good friend of mine is a muscle with a mouth. She exercises longer than I sleep and considers a leaf of lettuce wrapped around tofu a meal. I tried the vegetable diet, but after consuming three heads of lettuce and four bags of carrots for lunch, I grew afraid that I would grow buck teeth and a tail.
I Jazzercise six days a week and add Zumba every Thursday. My husband, Lovey Dovey, runs on a very fancy treadmill every night. Bor-ing! And he looks great. He can lose ten pounds in a couple of weeks. His diet consists of carbs, sugar, and fat when I am not there to monitor. I gain a pound just dreaming about Hershey Bars.
Another segment on television recently featured a new plastic sugery process that combines two procedures in one surgical setting. A sixty-year old woman appearing on the Today show explained why she had two procedures done at once: breast uplift and tummy tuck. She cried for weeks because of the pain. I need some science fiction doctor to help me. Think I'll wait until a Synergy Liposuction Zap Chamber is invented. Enter chamber. Select one or more buttons: Breast, Buttocks, Belly,Thighs, Arms. Then press ZAP button. Didn't George Orwell write about that?
My internist says I am healthy but quietly reminds me that I should lose weight because of my genetic disposition to heart disease. I claim that I haven't lost baby fat from the birth of my children. He reminds me that my children are thirty-two and thirty-eight.
His nurse, Ming, is Chinese. She's a spit of a person, very intelligent and very professional. Last week for my regular exam, I told her I had a note from my therapist claiming I did not have to be weighed. Her x-ray glare said it all. So I asked her if I could weigh on the digital scale. She, instead, led me to the livestock scale, the one where she slides a bar to the right and bells start ringing. Oh, the horrors. Proud of her heritage, her name badge is written in English and Chinese I think the Chinese translation is "Nurse Ratched."
http://health.msn.com/weight-loss/measure-your-metabolism.aspx MEASURE YOUR METABOLISM
http://bmicalculatorforfemales.com/ BMI CALCULATOR FOR WOMEN